Thursday, January 14, 2010


Long long tym,no blogging ,no work ...what to start off with?? I think there would be no other inetersting topic than campus placemnts.

campus placements...after a long recession ..which of course seemed longer than it was expected to be ,well ,placements are back now.

Well i dint have the desire to appear any interview(though i had attended PI/GD classes) at Confidence Factory,where they teach you how to appear for interviews.

Interviews are basically fucking sessions ,where they try to rape you and you defend yourself,save your ass from a bunch of assholes.(This is my notion ,it might change when I become an HR myself)

What a week,I am tired as if I am fucked by a TRAIN.TATA STEEL,TCS all took my interview .Let me discuss about TCS,a fucking company ,with a fucking payscale,only to be resorted to,when you are preparing for MBA.

It was the best for me.Cracked the 1st round easily(while others went in for online dictionary for antonym,synonym and stuffs),i made it without any copying or cheating..hahaha a RARE thing to do ..when i am concerned.

Interview process:TCS ID from 1-180 were called in.made to sit inside a LAB in campus no. 6.Wow,i saw many faces for the first time,some pretty ones,and I think I had to exercise greter control ,greater restraint on my dick.The M tech girls were just too pretty.

I should stop now.Interview process started ,18 panels 326 students.3 panels were REJECTION PANELS .

first student got in.She was asked only technical questions,no HR.
She came out crying.
It was a bad news.

lets move forward ..I was called to Panel 18,last one..was 2nd in the panel.1st student was interviewed for about 30-40 minutes.

When he came out he told that he could not give a single answer,he had been asked about JK,SR flipflops ,hahaahhaa fucked hard.

Now my turn.hmmm

let us call that interviewer as M.

me:may I take the seat SIR?


M:so SAMBIT tell me something about yourself.

me:I am SAMBIT RATH pursuing BTECH in CSE in KIIT iuniversity.Passed my 12th from BJB college BBSR.I am basically a hardworking guy,now residing with my parents. I like to read books and watch inspirational movies.

M:watch movies huhh?? Which was the recent movie you have watched?

me: (TRump CArd)Sir, this ws recomended by a friend long tym ago.But watchd it jus some tym ago.then SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION .....blah ...blah....blah

M:Wht if you are imprisoned like the hero in the movie???

me:I would definitely fight back and escape,even if I don't succeed..I would definitely give it a try.

M:Do you know Neeraj Kumar??He jus had an interview,is he a friend of urs???

me:Yes,sir he is(Common man, even if u don't know a person tell Yes,you are nt going to be asked abt his b'day and his likes and dislikes,you are his FRIEND after all,not his GAY partner)

M:Well Sambit..Is he a Better student than you???

me:yes sir, he is...
(a mistake....u are likely to get screwed...IDEAL answer :Sir,is it is up to you decide,i don't have the capacity to judge others,i only know my strengths and weaknesses)

then i gt screwed

M:so.what if I pay him 6 lpa and u are paid 2 LPA???

me:(son of a bitch..Hurt my ego..)well sir it is up to u to decide that

M:but you say that He is better??

me:(fucked man..its like you are being fucked in the ass with ur own dick)
Yes Sir he is ,but I think at times i can also perform better than any other individual.
(Stuck to the original answer)

M:so,if he is a better student than you.then how come you have a CGPA of 9.14 and he has a CGPA of 8.xx???

me:Sir ,it depends on time and luck,I secured around 9.5 a couple of occasions.

Its good that the interview was already 10-12 minutes old by this time...

M:so,do u have a girlfriend???


M:do you have any problems?????i mean .....

(motherfucker, haraamkhor .@##$$ saale ne leli meri, IDEAL ANSWER should have been "no,sir....but i am open to it,i think i am not yet ready") .

M:so SAMBIT,why don't you have a Gf?

( Then I acted as if I was defeated)
me:tried Sir,and failed...I was late.

M:so SAMBIT u mea to say that all girls are committed,and u could not find one???

me :YES sir...("saale sexual pervert fuk u")

M:what is the ratio of boys to girls in ur class??

me:sir 7:3

M:still no GF??what were u doing man??? only getting marks??

me:sir u need ti invest a lot of time to maintain a GF.

M:who is ur TOPPER??

me :anurag sharma,9.77 cgpa

M:well lemme check..its good that he is not there ..he is lucky...


M:so does that boy have a GF?

me:yes sir...

M:so, u say you need to have time,how does that guy manage his time

This time I had no answers..I showed him my TEETH..well I had no answer to this question

M:so sambit,suppose u are offered JOB at ORACLE ,IBM, TCS then which one would you prefer????
(any campany other than TCS man ,haha)

me:TCS sir,(..again screwd...IDEAL ANSWER:"I would ask my seniors then arrive at any conclusion "..hmmm fucked again..)

M:why man I also don't think TCS is in their League why are u lying to me???

me:(I realized the mistake, common man do something.....common ur ass)Sir TCS is the largest software giant of INDIA,blah ..blah.....

M:but those companies are giants of the whole world...

me:(felt like abhimanyu surrounded by tricky questions...then it CAME)Sir,it is a honour for me work with TATA ,my family would be more pleased if I worked here,than in any foreign campany..(sense of national PRIDE,hahahah)

M:so you want the name of TATA???why??morever you have a CGPA and stanadard to make it into them...why TATA??

me:(well this tym i was not stupid enough) SIR, TATA is a famous household name in INDIA. A person to exposed to TATA from the time he is borne ,to the time he closes his eyes.Well sir when a child plays he sees TATA trucks,returns home eats TATA salt
TATA rods,steel,TCS,TCE,tata airlines,jewellary (tanishq),TITAN WATCH,tata mc-grawhill books,IISC bangalore,TISS,tata memorial hospital for cancer patients...these are some of the the gifts which the TATAs have bestowed upon onto us.

M:(got impressed I think)sambit ,I want to insert an ELEPHANT into a FRIDGE ??how am I supposed to this??

me:the elephant must be small,a toy elephant i suppose,we are going to put that in.

M:no its not small...

me:then we manufacture a huge fridge abt the same size as that of the elephant....then..

M:no we can't do that..can you do it or not??

me:(could handle no longer)i am going to beat it and make it smaller and insert it..
("fuk u....i am going to insert my rod into ur mouth ....kamina saalaa").

M:well SAMBIT lets get this straight u are very good with ur communication..i like ur accent..I will give you an excellent grade for this..but I won't recomend your name as I have done for your friend.

me:(saale, itna maara ,abe meri maa behan ek karega kya ??? )why sir??

M:because I think u are only good with words.u are not good wid ur subjects

me:no sir ,I am

M:what are ur subjects in 7th sem??

me:(BAAP RE,7th sem subjects were never meant to be asked )sir ACA(computer architecture),CNS(networksecurity),HRM(humanresourcemgmt)

M:can ask you from ACA??

me:no sir, I am nt comfortable

M:why not???

me:(maar liyaa saale ne,i showed my smiling face but not effective.)

M:lemme ask you

me:really sir ,its a tough subject and I am not comfortable wid it

M:so inside the company when I ask you to switch jobs you might say this that you are not ready.

me:sir I will do that sir,i will struggle to avchieve that

M:why not now??RISC vs CISC,common explain that

me:wow i knew 3 points, answered

M:tell me abt project


he wasn't satisfied

M:I think u have copied..this wasn't ur project

me:(this is the limit,i knew he was trying to stress me out,i was n't going to give up never ,already half an hou had passed be cool,i told my self)

M:look u need knowledge about 3 languages I dont find u know even one

me:sir I know JAVA(core),C,C++,SQL

M:then he threw bouncers did ur projects in java,so if it was C++, how would you implement it??
2.difference between windows xp,vista,2003??
3.what are u learning man???

gone case..

M:so do u know encryption algos??? what is cryptography?


M:tell me some algos


M:what is DES

(arey this was a 6 page theory ....)

me :data encryption standard sir


me :can't sir ,its too long

M:look ,what if I throw you out right now??

me:sir it would hurt me the most ,but I don't take setbacks as failures and I will try for the next one.SIr I had preapared much and it would definitely hurt me.

M:on one side you tell that you are prepared,and on the other side u show your level of preparation like this?you don't know c++,no DES,no CSA

me:can I borrow that paper??

M:yes you can

I did something which I could have only imagined ..took the paper took a pencil from the table,started drawing DES,i don't know how I rememberd it,64 bit key ,discard 8 bits now a 56 bi tkey .take 64 bit plain text,divide into 2 parts,expansion permutation,S-box,P-box..i explained..HE WAS GONE NOW.


M:so you basically mug up things huhh??

me:(abe phir se ,teri maa ki) no sir I am equally good in all subjects,its just that i know certain things
M:so C++?

me:i told him what I knew.

M:should I ask u more???

me:(i knew I was in..after a gruelling 5 minute theory session ..)sir .....if you ask me i would definitely try to answer.

M:like you have answered everything,(made a mocking face)

me:(kept quiet)

M:any questions for me?

me:sir if I get selected what would be the prerequisites?what should I study beforehand when I join??

M:he started..told me abt problems of industry,employees,told me to start from basics,study java net beans,eclipse,complete dot net.
Then ,he also gave me my feedback ..
He told me i never inetnded to ask u ACA ,its the most difficult subject anyone can handle,When you were reluctant I knew that this child has struggled with the subject.

at last...a confession..i don't think any interviewer does that.

M:well when u join the company I don't know whether I am at BBSR or sumhere else??
and morever none of your friends have asked me my name...
(he wanted this..I knew I was in...I should ask him his name)

me:SIR i know your name sir,already saw that from your ID .

M:(smiled)Should I ASK U MORE???

me:I gave him a smile which showed him my reluctance.

M:well you can leave.

(in between each and every question he tried to stress me out with some senetence or the other,total time the interview was conducted was for 45 minutes)

I came out,people asked what were my questions

I shouted DES,IDEA ,BLOWJOB(fish),hahahaha ,some girls looked at me ,i again shouted BLOWJOB ..
a madam came to me asked me whether i had finished ...

me:"finished with what???" (BLOWJOB????) again my friends were laughing .

maam:ur interview,if yes,then get out.

...well its a kind of reputation only SAHOO CHAT can get.

When the RESULTS were announced I was in....but in between there were 10 hours of waiting..but thats another story....hahhaha bbye for now.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Ahhhhhh i am bak again..........again this story has nuthin to do wid da english film "two brothers and two others".half of us are still ignorant that there is film by that name.....

today 8 th july 2008 compelled me to add sumthing to my blog, an incident i had not expected wud happen...........

let me begin.there is a girl whom shall we call CHAMELI in this story,and two guys SUBU(name changed) and SOMU( name changed again).

all of them are my batch mates..and while this SUBU is a close frnd of mine,SOMU somu belongs to the same branch as that of CHAMELI ,and to my knowledge this story is going no whre....hahaahaha.....lets start then

during break ,i decided to bunk rest of the class ,made arrangemnts for proxy and confidently walked out with ma friend RAJESH ,only to witness a catfight between two boys,and the sole reason for the quarrell 'CHAMELI'.

let me tell sumthing about my friend SUBU ,an excellent flirt,mr noble,indian pie i must say,a treat for ladies,and I am telling you ,you can never find this guy alone...or with another guy...this guy has a girl friend ,yes man ,he is committed, but never misses a single chance to hang out wid a girl.

girls consider him as their saviour,and he is a wonderful friend to have,quite an entertainer ohhhh agin to disappoint you ladies ,he is committed..........

I don't know much abt the other guy SOMU ,he is shy(before some days i really thought so) very possessive abt girls only (of his branch),and yes very helpful guy as welll. He is ready to help you at midnight if you are a girl.hahhahaha.........he lives at JAYADEV VIHAAR but had given lift to another class mate(girl of course) On his BIKE to unit-6............ohhhh lord can somebody travel that far just to impress a girl ...i mean extra 6 km for a girl,knowing that she travels by bus and also that ,she is committed to sum1 else.......................hahahahaha...................yes this guy did that and he did many things today as welll.

AND........ AND....... now let CHAMELI come into the picture now ,this girl is free,open minded,considers herself a beauty,a pefect lady who thinks there is no guy to match her standards....... (joke of the year.... hahahahah )
,and yo she has a boyfriend as welll.....(lord save his soul).this girl talks wid every boy she comes across and has a heart of gold...............

what abt rajesh????my friend ,a great personality,you can know more abt him plzzz visit
ORKUT and find out abt him

the story goes like this,my friend SUBU was introduced to this girl by some common friend ,and he started talking with her........yeah only talking coz that's what he does best.....hahhaha and that's what he does wid every girl.........we can only be silent spectators to his achievements .

he has already become a popular personality and yes frankly many of us are jealous of him.

when we came out of class we saw SOMU calling SUBU to follow him along with CHAMELI,let me present this in form of speeches ...............

SOMU:from today you won't talk wid CHAMELI

SUBU:why not?what is it to you?

SOMU:you must be ashamed of urself,how dare you to talk with her?

CHAMELI:(interfiering):plzzz somu stop this,why are you interfering in my personal matter?(chameli might haave talked with SOMU quite a few times before this)

SOMU:luk chameli,no body shall come between you and me one can.........

SUBU:no one can??????well,no one wants to ,you are coming in between.whatever you want to speak ,speak to me

SOMU:what do you think of urself?why don't you confine yourself to your branch and your batch mates,why r u chatting with my classmate?

SUBU:hahahaha,she chats with me ,so i chat with her why should I be answerable to you??????
what can you do ,ehhhhh,beat me up?

(voices at background,chameli:"stop plzzzzzzzzz stop"
and mine:"hohohohohoho" and that rajesh:"hheheheheeheeheheh good keep it up " )

SOMU:do you consider urself a MARD?? you don't have any personality do you?u r a characterless guy always roaming wid girls,be careful,don't come here and do the same wid chameli

and to chameli:luk chameli,no body shall come between you and me one can.........

SUBU:why do you think that you r a MARD?????? prove that you are a man............

(this is a mind blowing to prove that a MAN is MAN?...........according to me ,the only species that can prove MAN's manlinesss is the species called WOMAN,lolzzzzzzzzz)

SOMU:i stand here on my 2 legs ,stand before you to proclaim that i am a man,(very poetic description ....he shud be writing in my place ,i suppose)

SUBU:what do you think? am I standing on 3 legs or what???????
(yeah all boys have 3 legs.....3rd leg is not meant to be stood stands up by itself ....... lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz)

at this point of time i sugested that all of us shud stop this quarrell and asked subu to leave this place and go bac to his class both of them were warriors...hahaah..........wanted to continue till death..........i cud see no other option except to observe both of them....

SUBU:why r u so possessive?what is ur relationship with this girl????????

SOMU:she is like a sister to me

SUBU:then lemme make her my sis.................can i talk with her now??????? and rajesh jus cried out loudly...............much ado abt nothing........i believe even ramayana and mahabharata was fought for ladies ............but for first time I saw 2 brothers quarrelling,kicking each others ass for their sister..................hahahahahahaa

this is the paradox our is absent,insecurity is finding its way out,man doesn't trust man,even if one is in relationship the only thing that matters is trust....nothing else.
I believe its trust that binds us together and ego makes us fall.why do I stop a boy chatting with my girlfriend if she wants so?I could speak to her personally but why would I talk to the boy who
who is making me feel insecure?that would surely make me fall,make me kneel ,leave my conscience shattered?????and that too in a public place?????????lord kill me if that ever happens............

but this was not a triangular love story.........hahhaaha, 3 main characters, watched over constantly by 2 guys ,at last settle their scores,the 2 guys quarrelled jus minutes before,they are the 2 brothers now.........hahahahahhaha

the 2 brothers ....having their own level of ego and possesiveness

the 2 brothers ....nt knowing they have a common sister hahahaaaa

the 2 brothers.....who only had 2 other guys to witness their reunion

the 2 brothers.....who shall now be returning happily to their respective classes

yeah ,the 2 brothers...who do not know that they wud be F****d in my blog spot

and, the 2 brothers who do not know that this discussion wud be forwarded to entire Btech batch by the 2 guys who were present at the spot

2 BROTHERS and 2 OTHERS, hahaahahahaaaha

Sunday, July 6, 2008



rate of 1 jug of beer-100/-
hanuman prasad mishra had consumed 3 plates of chicken as well as 2 plates rice at the b'day party thrown by a close frnd today
AND after dat 9 bottles of beer (can u believe it? 9 bottles slight more dan 4 litres)

who is mishra?hahah one of my best friends closest buddies,he has always boasted abt his eating abilities,you wud be surprised simply how far he can stretch..............
he had once engulfed 30 naans and 5 plate butter chicken alone amounting to Rs 477............
i am serious ,we still have the money receipt.................he is nicknamed as "5 KILO mishra"
man with capability to digest 5 kilo of chicken ..................

He is well known for his statements……………..
according to hanuman
"his erection is so strong dat his underwear is ripped apart"
i mean he was serious .............kept uttering da same dialough again again today

Then it all happened ....may be today wasn't his day after all,
the man who ate too much
could handle it no longer
he had fruit salad(80/-per plate,he had 2 all to himself),potato chips as well
(in addition to beer and stuff mentioned above)..........and then.........

volcano erupted from his mouth
the glass which had been emptied just minutes ago,was again filled with his
and he filled glasses after glasses

after seeing all this i jus fled from da spot away to saheed nagar
I felt it was better to sit there idle dan to waste one’s time and money here....

4 litres of BEER
all vomited and drained
drank 900/-
wasted 1500……….and more money,and most importantly, more time...........

And I gt news dat he had vomited on every table, into each wash basin of the hotel………………
And also outside in tha garden which surrounds da hotel

While my friends decided to take him to hospital he refused, not accepting dat he had committed a grievous mistake,not knowing that where situations like these might lead him into, not trying to acknowledge the fact that

He was carried to capital hospital,in a subconscious state ,one had to hold him frm back to prevent his falling,
on reaching hospital he again vomited on da corridor..............

AND as for me,I have not resorted to drinking or mouth still remains virgin to vodka,beer,wine,whisky,cigarettes .............not beacuse i do not want to drink,not because i am conservative in these matters...........
but the fact is this...... I am quite FAST learner,and if I start drinking then i assure you i shall beat each one of them .....and, yes I can never get out this HABIT at any cost,i can't control my self...............thats what keeps me away........and I am happy wid the life i lead......

I don't think that drinking or smoking is that bad ,other way round i feel that nothing is bad if kept under limit,thats what is more important.........after all HINDUISM also forbids us to eat non veg,yet I ask how many us are strict vegitarians???????????

someday i will taste all the stuffs ...............yeah surely i shall do

hanuman mishra sits now at JAYEE's home(another frnd)
wid no where to go he is itching his balls
he can't return home ,with his mouth smelling ,and image of his father kicking his ass haunting him like anything...........,
at least he has to stay outside …tonight................